ILSI entities around the world publish scientific research articles, literature reviews, gap analyses, and meeting proceedings in peer-reviewed journals and publications. Our research has a flawless track record. In fact, not one of the 1,000+ articles ILSI has published since our organization's founding has ever been retracted.
In addition, ILSI publishes books, monographs, white papers, and newsletters. Our commitment to the highest scientific standards and our adherence to rigorous scientific principles demonstrate ILSI's integrity in research.

Browse ILSI's research publications, including the latest findings and in-depth analyses that contribute to advancing knowledge in the nutrition, food safety, sustainability, and health fields. Whether you're a fellow researcher, a student, or simply curious, our scientific articles provide valuable insights into the work that drives innovation and discovery.
Below, our publications are listed by publication date, from the newest article to the oldest. You can also filter the list by title or publication type.
ILSI's Research Library:
Publication Date
All Publications
IVACG Statement on Clustering of Xerophthalmia and Vitamin A Deficiency Within Communities and Families
- International Life Sciences Institute
Assessment of the Allergenic Potential of Foods Derived from Genetically Engineered Crop Plants
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1996
- International Life Sciences Institute
This article by Metcalfe et al. was published in a special supplement to Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (1996;36(Suppl):S165-S186).
The Safety Assessment of Novel Foods: Guidelines Prepared by ILSI Europe Novel Food Task Force
- ILSI Europe
Food and Chemical Toxicology. 1996;34(10):931-940.
Etiology, Mechanisms and Implications of Dental Erosion
- ILSI Europe
European Journal of Oral Science. 1996;104(2):149-244.
Intrinsic and Non-Milk Extrinsic Sugars: Does the Distinction Have Analytical or Physiological Validity?
- ILSI Europe
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 1996;47(2):131-140.
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