Journal Articles, Monographs & More

ILSI entities around the world publish scientific articles on original research, literature reviews and gap analyses, as well as meeting proceedings in peer-reviewed journals and publications. Not one of the 1,000+ articles that ILSI has published over the last 45 years has ever been retracted. ILSI also publishes books, monographs, white papers, other scientific reports, annual reports and newsletters.

ILSI's flawless scientific publication track record, its commitment to the highest scientific standards and its adherence to rigorous scientific principles demonstrate its scientific integrity.

ILSI's publications are listed below by publication date, from the newest article to the oldest. You can also filter the list by title or publication type.

Newest to Oldest

Dietary Diversity and Micronutrients Adequacy in Women of Childbearing Age: Results from ELANS Study

Dietary diversity, an important component of diet quality, is associated with an increased probability of adequate micronutrient intake. Women of childbearing age (WCA) are particularly vulnerable to micronutrient inadequacy. The Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women (MDD-W) has been used widely as a proxy measurement of micronutrient adequacy. This study aimed to assess the association between MDD-W and nutrients adequacy among WCA of eight Latin American countries. Nutrient intakes from 3704 WCA were analyzed with two 24-hour dietary recalls.

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Perfil antropométrico y prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en la población urbana de Costa Rica entre los 20 y 65 años agrupados por sexo: resultados del Estudio Latino Americano de Nutrición y Salud

La obesidad es una enfermedad que afecta en gran medida a la región de las Américas. Esta condición implica un aumento de la morbimortalidad y el riesgo de enfermedades crónicas, como las enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes tipo 2 y algunos tipos de cáncer.  El objetivo de la investigación fue describir el perfil antropométrico y la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad en la población urbana costarricense según características sociodemográficas y nivel de actividad física.

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Consumo de frutas y vegetales en la población urbana costarricense: Resultados del Estudio Latino Americano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS)-Costa Rica

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo la caracterización del consumo de frutas y vegetales, según variables sociodemográficas en la población costarricense y el cumplimiento de la recomendación de la OMS. Metodología: Los datos se obtuvieron del Estudio Latino Americano de Nutrición y Salud (ELANS)-Costa Rica.

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Fruits and vegetables intake among Costa Rican urban population: results from the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health: ELANS-Costa Rica

Consumption of fruit and vegetables has been widely associated with different health benefits such as protection against non-transmissible chronic diseases, cancer and mental disorders. Due to these benefits, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends daily consumption of 400 grams of fruit and vegetables. This study is aimed at characterize fruit and vegetable consumption according to socioeconomic variables, among the Costa Rican population and the degree to which this meets the WHO recommended intake.

Average daily consumption of fruit and vegetables was 220g/p/d and increased with age (p=0.035 between with 15-19 and 50-65 years old) and socioeconomic status (p=0.004 between low and middle). No association was found with gender or education level (p>0.05). Only 12.0 % of the urban Costa Rican population met the WHO recommendation

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Anthropometric profile and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Costa Rican urban population (aged 20-65 years old) by sex group: results from the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health

Obesity is a disease that greatly affects the region of the Americas. This condition implies an increase risk of developing serious health outcomes such as cardiometabolic disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. The prevalence of excess weight in Costa Rica was 59.7 % and 77.3 % in women aged 20 to 44 years old and 45 to 65 years old respectively, and 62,4 % in men aged 20-65 years old, in the period of 2008-2009, however, it is unknown how this condition was evolved.

The objective was to describe the anthropometric profile and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the Costa Rican urban population according to sociodemographic characteristics and level of physical activity.ess weight (overweight and obesity) was 68.5 % among urban Costa Rican population, being higher for women.

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