Nutrition and Food Science, 2023
This is a systematic review on the effect of non-nutritive sweeteners on appetite, weight, glycemic regulation, and gut microbiome.
Cell Reports Medicine, 2023
We provide a detailed review unfolding how the physiological and anatomical differences between the small and large intestine affect gut microbiota composition, function, and plasticity. This information is key to understanding how gut microbiota manipulation, including probiotic administration, may strain-dependently transform host-microbe interactions at defined locations.
The Concept Paper discusses the need for conducting Human Intervention Studies for substantiating “Claims” for Food Products, Food ingredients including the nutrients as such but not limited to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, botanical extracts, herbs, spices, spice oleoresins and bioactive substances. It also provides guidance on important considerations for conducting Human Intervention Trials.
The Concept Paper Can Be Downloaded From:
Nutrients, 2023
- ILSI Southeast Asia Region
This publication reviewed several prospective cohort studies that evaluated the associations of intake of a single food or consumption of a single nutrient at midlife; adherence to various dietary patterns at midlife; and improved adherence to dietary patterns from mid- to late life with the likelihood of healthy ageing and its components, including cognitive function, physical function, and depression.
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science , 2023
This is a systematic review and meta-analysis of all the available prospective studies on the effect of dairy products with incident (new onset) T2D.
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[post_title] => Effect of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Insulin Regulation, Glycemic Response, Appetite and Weight Management: A Systematic Review
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[post_date] => 2023-09-08 08:55:39
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[post_content] =>
Research on gut microbiota has generally focused on fecal samples, representing luminal content of the large intestine. However, nutrient uptake is restricted to the small intestine. Abundant immune cell populations at this anatomical site combined with diminished mucus secretion and looser junctions (partly to allow for more efficient fluid and nutrient absorption) also results in intimate host-microbe interactions despite more rapid transit. It is thus crucial to dissect key differences in both ecology and physiology between small and large intestine to better leverage the immense potential of human gut microbiota imprinting, including probiotic engraftment at biological sensible niches. Here, we provide a detailed review unfolding how the physiological and anatomical differences between the small and large intestine affect gut microbiota composition, function, and plasticity. This information is key to understanding how gut microbiota manipulation, including probiotic administration, may strain-dependently transform host-microbe interactions at defined locations.
This review focusses its narrative on the intimate relationship between the host and its bacterial constituents of the small and large intestine.
Dowload the full paper
or click on the images below to download the EG one-pager summary and graphical abstract
Commissioned by the Probiotics Task Force
[post_title] => Small intestine vs. colon ecology and physiology: Why it matters in probiotic administration
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[post_title] => Concept Paper on Best Practices for Ethical Conduct of human Intervention Studies for Novel Food/ Ingredients/Processes/ Technology/ Claim Substantiation by ILSI India K-FFIG
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supported by One ILSI Healthy Aging Project, In collaboration with YYL School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
This publication reviewed several prospective cohort studies that evaluated the associations of intake of a single food or consumption of a single nutrient at midlife; adherence to various dietary patterns at midlife; and improved adherence to dietary patterns from mid- to late life with the likelihood of healthy ageing and its components, including cognitive function, physical function, and depression.
Click here to view the full publication.
[post_title] => Nutrition and Healthy Ageing in Asia: A Systematic Review
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[post_title] => Effect of Milk and Cultured Milk Products on Type 2 Diabetes: A Global Systematic Review and Meta‑analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies
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