Activities on Healthy Aging beyond the ILSI Network

We will regularly update this space with events and resources from our partners and other third-party organizations.

American Society on Aging
Webinar on Healthy Nutrition & Mealtime for Seniors
2 August 2017
10:00 AM Pacific Time

“The importance of proper nutrition for seniors simply cannot be overstated. Poor nutrition can affect the mind, the body, the immune system and energy levels in ways seniors and their families may not be aware of. The more families know about the aging factors that can affect eating habits, the easier it will be to ensure their senior loved one maintains a healthy diet.” – ASA website

Registration is free and includes CEUs: Mealtime for Seniors

National Academy of Sciences
Nutrition Across the Lifespan for Healthy Aging: Proceedings of a Workshop
Released 18 May 2017

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Food Forum convened a workshop with five objectives:
The organization of these Proceedings parallels the organization of the workshop, which focused on the following themes:

  • trends and patterns in aging and factors related to healthy aging in the United States with a focus on nutrition;
  • how nutrition sustains and promotes throughout the lifespan;
  • the role of nutrition in the aging process at various stages in life;
  • changes in organ systems over the lifespan, including the skeletal, muscular, and cardiovascular systems, and changes that occur with age related to cognitive, brain, and mental health; diet-related sensory preferences; oral health; and the microbiome

The proceedings are online and can be downloaded in PDF format: NAS Nutrition & Aging