Strengthening Capacities in CODEX for Central America and the Dominican Republic
November 14, 2018 – November 15, 2018
San José, Costa Rica
Training of all the government offices in Central America and the Dominican Republic responsible for the application of CODEX standards
Symposium Food Safety in the Food Industry and Food Services.
November 6, 2018 – November 7, 2018
San José, Costa Rica
Symposium in the framework of the celebration of the National Week of Food Safety
Inauguration Week for Food Safety – 2018
November 5, 2018
San José, Costa Rica
Lema National Week of Food Safety 2018: “Safe food for consumers around the world, anytime, anywhere”.
Functional Food Symposium: analysis and determination of the effects on health
October 26, 2018
San José, Costa Rica
Conference: Latest trends and regulatory issues in the medical device market in the United States and Canada
October 11, 2018
San José, Costa Rica
Conference of the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Medical Devices Committee
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